Monday, March 10, 2014

More Food For Thought

I am still working on my flooring, and as someone to whom the term handyman has little application, I am working very slowly. Therefore, in lieu of a post, I offer this wisdom from George Orwell:


  1. Truth has very little currency today. Truth is based on fact and fact is unmalleable, unownable and, as such, of little value to government or a nation's mass media. They prefer messaging wrapped up and presented as fact when the actual object is to avoid truth as much as possible.

    1. I agree, Anon. And he who can effectively spin today is, if not king, at least a powerful courtier.

    2. .. Truth is like the tide.. it flexes somewhat..
      after all.. its only water ..

      Add some wind, a lee shore and a slight error in navigation
      and get back to me about 'little currency'

      Mass Media feeds ravenously on storms & controversy ..
      and a government hard aground on scandal and deceit ? Dinner ..

      If mass media wants to set sail with Stephen Harper .. well, amen
      Maybe like Franklin's expedition.. a bit of cannibalism eh ??

    3. Well-put, as always, Salamander. One can't help but pine for the days for yesteryear, however, when journalism was deemed a high calling that its practitioners took seriously. While not completely gone from the landscape, it is becoming increasingly rare.
